Children's Parties
We are able to have Children’s Parties when we have a suitable matinee, otherwise the cost is prohibitive. Please check the website for when matinees are showing.
The cost is £6 per person to see the film plus £20 to hire the area at the rear of the downstairs auditorium for an hour after the film has finished, in which to host the party tea. We provide tables and chairs and you provide the food!
Further Information:
- Volunteers arrive at the cinema at 1.45pm, it is suggested that the party host arrives just after this, to set out the party tea. The tables and chairs will already be set up. Easy access to these from the side doors.
- Guests should arrive at the front of the cinema from 2.00pm onward, and be met by the party host.
- The film will start at 2.30pm.
- After the film has finished the party can commence. Games are allowed, however we discourage children from running around due to Health and Safety issues etc.
- Please check the running time of the film, and then add 1 hour on to this. This is the time that the guests should be collected. i.e. if the film is 90 mins, it will end at approximately 4pm. So, 5pm would be the time for guests to be collected.
- We ask that you clear up afterwards, and take any rubbish away with you.